A massive "THANK YOU" to all the dancers attending the Milonga Solidaria at the Austrian Club on Friday night.
It was a lovely milonga, with beautiful music, elegant dancing, a great vibe - as well as a successful fund-raiser. There were many personal donations, including from a number of dancers unable to attend. At the moment, the sum stands at $2,040! But we're hoping that other dancers in the Adelaide tango community will offer to make a cash donation or EFT in coming weeks.
The money will be converted to US$, then delivered to Presente Escuelas Rurales organiser Lorena Gomez in Buenos Aires in late April. This will support the volunteer medical trip to the remote Monte Santiagueno (Santiago del Estero province).
Firstly, thank you to all who attended and paid the $15 entrada - ALL of which will be donated.
Thank you to Vicki, Dee, Steve, Glynn, Robyn & Ray, Sheila, Monica, Joan, Christina W, Larry, David B, Frank & Lucy, Tricia M, Sonia, Su, Lidia, Rushdy, David N, Jarred, Liz R, Cris D, Bruno, Shaddie, Trish N, Lorraine, Liz J, Paul M, Mariangela, Daniel, Mike B, James, Paul C, Carl, Anne R for your personal donations.
Sincere thanks also to Southern Cross Tango and Studio Tango for promoting the event.
Still want to make a contribution? It's not too late. Contact us for the EFT details.
* More photos
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