Want to be able to dance confidently and feel comfortable in traditional milongas of Buenos Aires?
Our teaching develops your musicality, connection, technique & improvisation with social tango, as well as insights into tango culture and critical skills to build your confidence with milonga etiquette.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Milonga para los niños - gifts that keep giving!

Ever heard of the gift that keeps giving? Well, the Milonga para los niños fund-raiser last Sunday was a great example.

It was a cracker of a milonga, to quote one of the participants, with the positive energy in the salon lasting right through to La Cumparsita.

Winners of the raffle will be enjoying their generously donated prizes (shopping voucher, wine, CDs, perfume and books) for time to come.

Cash donations from various individuals and Adelaide tango organisations were gratefully received.

Successful bidders for the silent auction will be looking forward to a diverse range of donated activities in the near future: massage, catered long lunch, Japanese calligraphy workshop, sailing, year-long milonga & practica ticket, 2 rounds of golf, private tango lesson, Porsche tour & champagne breakfast, yoga & relaxation session, gnocchi making workshop, French lesson & breakfast, astrological consultation and the making of a dress for tango. Sharing these with others will simply add to the fun.

Then there are those who successfully snaffled and are already enjoying the exquisite Igora stole, tango shoes, Leopard  necklace & earrings, Chinese tea & fan, Moroccan tea lights and wine packs.

Most important of all, the final amount raised in just one afternoon - $3,800 - will shortly be put to good use in some very needy Buenos Aires foster homes, making an ongoing positive impact on the health, education and welfare of those children.

Adelaide may have a relatively small tango community, but it has truly punched above its weight!

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