Want to be able to dance confidently and feel comfortable in traditional milongas of Buenos Aires? Our teaching develops your musicality, connection, technique & improvisation with social tango, as well as insights into tango culture and critical skills to build your confidence with milonga etiquette.
At yesterday's milonga, a native Spanish-speaker remarked on the huge impact of the lyrics of tango on his dance. Some lyrics enriched his experience beyond description.
It makes sense when you think about it, doesn't it? Consider for a moment those tangos which absolutely summon you to floor. You hear the opening bars of the piece and feel that you have to dance. I'll wager that it's the emotion of that music which plays a huge role in making you look around - almost with a sense of urgency - for a partner. How much stronger is that emotional response when you also know something of the story, or if you understand the lyrics as they are sung?
Tango is a feeling which we share when we dance with our partner. How much richer could that shared experience be, if we understood something of the poetry?
So, if you now suspect that you might be missing out, look up a few of your I've-got-to-dance-to-this tangos. You can read translations while you listen. Here are some of my favourites in Poesia de Gotán and Embrujamiento. One website thoughtfully provides subtitled Youtube videos, too!
Here's one of my favourite Pugliese tangos subtitled by Tango Decoder:
Improve your social dance skills and confidence; refine technique; develop better musical responses; increase your vocabulary of figures.
We can work with one or two people.
Cost: from $35 per person
La Milonguita-Milonga Solidaria
Friday 14 March 8 - 11pm Austrian Club 11 Torrens Rd, Ovingham
Entry: $10 Bookings advised
Traditional Buenos Aires-style milonga - Invitations by cabeceo Best of Golden Age tango music