Have your ever heard the expression:
Ladies, all you need to do is follow the lead ?
In this day and age of gender equality you might perhaps sense that the
woman's role in the dance is diminished through this terminology - such
an inadequate descriptor of the woman's role in tango, which is quite
different to the man's role, but no less significant. (By the way, I do
believe that the complementary [man-woman] roles in tango may be a major factor in
the popularity of the dance. Perhaps western society's political
correctness and inclination towards gender neutrality may be nudging people to the traditional
gender roles in tango, as described by Paul Yang.)
Probably not all women in tango will agree with me, but when the music calls,
and I'm in the embrace of a dance partner whom I trust, I love being
taken on a short but memorable journey courtesy of my partner. He is
the principal guide to the music, while I contribute to that tour in my
response to him and to the music. But for him to treat me to his
personalised insider's tour, he needs to feel my appreciation of his
efforts by relaxing in his embrace, and by
being present
just for him and the music. A delightful quality of Golden Age tango
music is that it is multi-layered, so, each tour guide will show me different highlights of his appreciation of the music and perhaps some hidden
surprises. How good is that? Every tanda offers the potential for a new
journey. Why wouldn't I enjoy the woman's role?
I am curious to know what men feel about their role in the dance.